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  • Pris ved køb af 1 stk,119,00  DKK
 Producent   Auhagen 
 Varenr.   44600 
 EANnr.   4013285446001 
 Varegruppe   Udsmykning 
 Se stort billede   Tryk her 
 Skala   1:160 - N 

Highly detailed, delicate telegraph poles are an essential trackside feature. Painting the insulators white and the crossbeams black makes them even more realistic. Poles with supports are provided for curves, with two supports for added safety.

6 pieces without support

6 pieces with support

Height 41 mm

6 pieces supports separate
  • Producent
  • Varenr.
  • Nationalitet
  • Strømsystem
  • Skala
    1:160 - N
  • Epoke
  • Lagerstatus