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Diesellokomotive. - DHG 700 C AC

Diesellokomotive. - DHG 700 C AC
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  • Pris ved køb af 1 stk,0,00  DKK
 Producent   Märklin 
 Varenr.   30881 
 EANnr.   4001883308814 
 Varegruppe   Usorteret Märklin 
 Se stort billede   Tryk her 
 Skala   1:87 - H0 
 Strøm   AC 
 Epoke   Epoke III-V 

  • Blinking light on the cab roof.

Comes with a Delta electronic circuit. Built-in blinking light. Buffer beams with yellow/black warning stripes. Metal handrails. 3 axles powered. 1 traction tire. Couple hooks. Length over buffers 11.2 cm / 4-7/16".

Prototype information:
The DHG 700 is a modern industrial locomotive as is used by companies with their own trackage. With appropriate equipment it can also be operated by remote control in the prototype. For safety reasons many of these industrial locomotives have blinking lights and particularly noticeable striping on the buffer beams.

  • Producent
  • Varenr.
  • Nationalitet
  • Strømsystem
  • Skala
    1:87 - H0
  • Epoke
  • Lagerstatus