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SNCB personvogsæt M2 DC

SNCB personvogsæt M2 DC
På lagerPå lager
  • Pris ved køb af 1 stk,2.618,00  DKK
 Producent   Trix 
 Varenr.   23221 
 EANnr.   4028106232213 
 Varegruppe   Personvogne 
 Se stort billede   Tryk her 
 Skala   1:87 - H0 
 Strøm   DC 
 Nationalitet   Belgien 
 Baneforvaltning   SNCB 
 Epoke   Epoke III 

Prototype: 4 different Belgian State Railways (SNCB/NMBS) type M2 passenger cars. 2 type M2, B11 passenger cars, 2nd class. 1 type M2, A5B5, passenger car, 1st/2nd class. 1 type M2, B8D, passenger car with a baggage area, 2nd class. Moss green basic paint scheme. The cars look as they did in Era IIIa.
Model: The cars have separately inset, graduated window frames. All of the cars have factory-installed interior lighting with warm white LEDs. Each passenger car has wheel pickups for power supply. The cars have different car numbers. All of the cars are individually packaged and there is a master package. Total length over the buffers 110.6 cm / 43-1/2.

The class 1 steam locomotive to go with these passenger cars can be found in the Trix H0 assortment under item number 25480.

This passenger car set can be found in an AC version in the Märklin H0 assortment under item number 43546.
  • Producent
  • Varenr.
  • Nationalitet
  • Strømsystem
  • Skala
    1:87 - H0
  • Epoke
  • Lagerstatus
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