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Kirche Börnichen

Kirche Börnichen
På lagerPå lager
  • Pris ved køb af 1 stk,262,00  DKK
 Producent   Auhagen 
 Varenr.   12229 
 EANnr.   4013285122295 
 Varegruppe   Kirker 
 Se stort billede   Tryk her 
 Skala   1:87 - H0 

A loving recreation of the church (built about 1900) in the village of Börnichen in the Erzgebirge, the Iron Mountains region of Saxony. This charming “small town” building is equally at home in a city streetscape or as a village centrepiece. Handsomely proportioned exterior, additional entrances to the sacristy and arched bell tower.

Authentic historical model
  • Producent
  • Varenr.
  • Nationalitet
  • Strømsystem
  • Skala
    1:87 - H0
  • Epoke
  • Lagerstatus